Please may we remind you about our zero tolerance of abuse to all staff.
Polite Notice to all Patients - Please be respectful regarding your choice of clothing when attending the surgery and dress accordingly. Whilst nightwear is comfortable it is not appropriate for adults.
New Clinical System
We are pleased to inform you that we have now successfully changed our Clinical System from Vision to EMIS Clinical Systems.
Please note that, whilst the change over has been successful, you may experience delays in the distribution of our normal services for a while.
To regain access to NHS APP, please get in touch with us at: or visit surgery after 24 of September. Please note - due to the volume of requests, there may be a delay in processing your request but it will be dealt with as soon as possible.
We won't be able to support you earlier than that.
All patients using Vision digital services are advised to use the NHS App instead.
To register with the NHS APP, please visit: or download the mobile version from your App Store or GooglePlay on your mobile. More information and support can be found on:
Thank you for your understanding as we continue to improve our services for your convenience and care.
Mortimer Surgery Team
Community Wellness Outreach Project
We are working with the Berkshire West Primary Care Alliance as part of a Community Wellness Outreach Project to increase NHS health checks, we are using third party providers who will have access to aspects of patient data only where this would be relevant. All parties have completed a Data Protection Impact Assessments. If you have any questions please get in touch with – Solutions4Health at
Clinics are being held at Mortimer Cricket Ground, Church Road, Mortimer on Tuesday 8th, 15th and 22nd of October 24
Mortimer Surgery Notices August 2024
Staff Changes:
2 x new GPs joining us in August 2024 - Dr Abi Taylor & Dr Darshini Patel
1 x new Registrar joining us in August 2024 - Dr Latha Palanivelu
Unfortunately we are sad to report a substantial increase in rude/abusive behaviour by patients towards members of our staff. Please remember that the staff are here to help you and may need to ask questions to signpost you to the correct care.
We have a Zero Tolerance policy here at Mortimer Surgery and if any patient is found to be persistently rude or abusive to a member of our staff then we will address this formally.
Patient Services system - please note that there is a nationwide issue with the Patient Services system so many patients who use this system may be experiencing difficulties. The system suppliers are currently working on resolving the issue but we have not been given a completion date for this. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Measles Guidance
Following the increase in measles cases, please click on the link below for the latest Measles Guidelines. Please ensure you change it to 'Grid List' on the top right hand side.
Measles - Google Drive
ADHD Medication – National Shortage
There is a national shortage of medication for ADHD.
These are provided by the surgery under a Shared Care Agreement with your Consultant/ADHD Specialist.
Your GP is not in a position to recommend alternative medication should yours be unavailable. Please contact your Specialist, who will recommend what to do and communicate it to us.
EH_Postnatal_Dads 23 (003).pdf
Please DO NOT park in the staff car parking zones at the front of the building.
You may get blocked in at anytime or asked to move your vehicle.
There is now increased provision for Nurse appointments and we are hoping that this will continue to increase and stabilise over the next few months.
Some services continue to be suspended and other services will be careful triaged according to clinical need. We continue to provide a limited phlebotomy service and appointments for this will be prioritised to those who are frail or unable to travel to Thatcham hospital.
Our receptionists and admin staff together with the GP’s are working hard to provide a continuing service which already has large demands placed on it and we would be grateful for patients understanding and cooperation.
- Blood Test Appointments - Due to staff shortages we can not accommodate all patients requests for blood test appointments. Priority will be given to patients with significant health or mobility problems and the frail elderly. We will always try to accommodate appropriate and urgent requests but please be aware that you may be asked to use WBCH or RBH phlebotomy services.
- Zero Tolerance Policy There has been an increase in rude and abusive behaviour by some patients. Patients who demonstrate inappropriate behaviour will be asked to leave the premises.
- Sending of Medical Photos into the Surgery If you have been asked by your GP to send in photos by email can you please send them to the following email address stating which GP requested them This address can also be used for administrative queries
- Dispensary opening times are currently 9-12am and 2-6pm
Mental Wellbeing - for help and information please see Mental Wellbeing Youth.pdf and CCGmentalwellbeing resource.pdf
- Domestic Abuse- for help and information Domestic Abuse Flyer Covid (1).pdf
- Serving Members & Ex Members of our Armed Forces/War Veterans - If you are a current or ex member of our Armed Forces; please let the Surgery know, to ensure you receive the service/care available to you.
(Site updated 06/02/2025)